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Meritorious Service rewarded

Brad Turner

Two ANPA stalwarts were honoured for their services to the hobby and the association at club shows this year due to the National cancellation. STEVE PITHERS and WERNER ZIMMER were deserving recipients.


Steve Pithers, from Penrith NSW, was nominated by Mal Davis and supported by Keven Gambell and Ron Wilton for his award and Werner Zimmer from Greelands, Queensland, was nominated by Brad Turner and supported by Frank Hayes, Chris Schutz and Jeff Krahenbring.

Steve was presented with his plaque by NSW Vice-President Fred Frendo at the PFS of NSW show on June 30 and Werner by Queensland Vice-President Jeff Krahenbring at the IPSC Young Bird Show on August 18.

From Mal Davis: I would like to nominate Steve Pithers for a Meritorious Service Award for his dedicated work with the Fantail breed.

Steve has had fantails since the early 1980s. He started with the usual White, Blue and numerous other colours. About 30-odd years ago Steve became interested in the Saddle Fantails with which he worked tirelessly to improve the type and markings. He was always trying to add new colours into the Saddle which he did very successfully.

About 25 years ago Steve decided his next project would be recessive Reds and Yellows. They were very inferior in comparison to the main colours. The Reds and Yellows were always there in abundance but the quality wasn’t. I call into Steve’s place a few times a year, and have been doing so for the last 20-plus years, and I have seen the improvement made in this time to the point that he is now breeding very good quality Fantails in these colours.Steve has also started his Barless Fantail project and they are fast getting to the type and style that will be very competitive in any future shows.

What should be noted is the amount of Saddles, Reds, Yellows and Almonds that Steve has bred and distributed all over Australia and the numbers being shown at local, State and National shows is all because of Steve’s dedicated work with the fantail breed.

Steve shows at all PFS, Hunter Valley and National shows when possible and wherever he goes he always takes his own judging pens so the birds can be properly displayed and judged.

I don’t think there has been a harder working Fantail breeder than Steve.

From Keven Gambell: I first became involved in the keeping of Fantails in 2020. My first three Fantails were purchased through gumtree, two being rung with ANPA rings. Having previously kept and raced pigeons for over 40 years I set about finding out who they had previously belonged to. After a few phone calls I was told they were bred by Steve Pithers. I then set about contacting Steve and once doing so was invited to attend his premises and have a look at his birds. After meeting Steve I soon realised his knowledge and expertise in the Fantail pigeon was second to none. When leaving I was presented with another five pairs to take with me and help me on my journey also being told to ring at any time with any questions, I might have, which I most certainly have and nothing has ever been a problem for Steve. I was pointed in the right direction in regard to which clubs I needed to join to show my newly-acquired birds. Such was the quality of pigeon I was supplied with I have gone on to have excellent results at the few shows I have been able to show at being lucky enough to have won several classes and then Champion at the first annual show I was able to show at and reserve champion at the next Annual show all thanks to the quality stock and guidance from Steve Pithers.

From Ron Wilton: It is with great pleasure I support Steve Pithers for this award. Steve joined the Hunter Valley All Variety Pigeon Society in the mid-80s. Over many years Steve has always supported the annual show with good entries and always has his hand up to help with whatever needs to be done.In 2023 the Hunter Valley club recognised Steve’s outstanding service with Club Person of the Year for his dedication not only to his club but to his beloved Fantails. The passion that Steve has for his birds he shares with whoever he can. In 997 Steve supported the club to import Fantails from the best overseas. Now these are the type of birds which Steve shares to promote his Fantails.The people Steve has helped out with birds include Terry Lawler (WA), Royce Keirl (VIC)  Alan Mutimer (VIC), Chris Infield (SA), Alan Needham QLD, Andrew Whiteside (NSW)and Mal Davis (NSW). Just to name a few top fanciers. Steve’s dedication to the fancier can only be described as extraordinary. 

From Brad Turner: I would like to nominate Werner Zimmer of Greenlands, Queensland, for an ANPA Meritorious Service Award.

Werner has been a member for more than 20 years and has always advocated strongly for ANPA during that time. I remember him being one of the most vocal and strong supporters of mandating ANPA ring use when there was considerable opposition to doing so from some in one of the Queensland club in the late 1990s.

Since then, he has been among the most reliable members. He is always the first to volunteer when there is a job to do at a national show. He has spent countless hours selling merchandise for ANPA, often without much support and never with any complaint.

This has resulted in thousands of dollars of income for the association.

Unfortunately, this willingness has had a direct impact on his health as he contracted long COVID from the contact he had with visitors when sitting at the ANPA merchandise table at the 2022 National and is still struggling with the repercussions.

 His most significant contribution in the past five years has been to completely transform the role of Membership Coordinator into a proactive position where rather than simply receiving and processing membership requests, members are given multiple written reminders to renew their membership and potential members have their requests responded to promptly.

He rewrote the requirements of the role for the Policies and Procedures initiative as well as providing extensive advice for anyone holding the position in future. He also updated the forms and administration processes.

It is far to say that without Werner’s diligence since agreeing to become Membership Coordinator in 2019 ANPA would most likely have seen a significant decline in member numbers due to COVID impacting on the number of national shows being held.

Werner was also an extremely valuable member of the ANPA Committee from 2019 until 2023 when the committee membership was reduced to only elected members. He contributed positively to discussions and decisions and came up with solutions not just problems.

Werner has decided to retire from the Membership Coordinator role and will be sorely missed. Fortunately, his diligence means the next coordinator will have an easy transition.

He has also held various positions at the Queensland Pigeon Fancier’s Society through the years and has contributed greatly to the hobby in South-East Queensland.

I commend the awarding of a Meritorious Service Award to Werner to the ANPA Committee.

From Frank Hayes: I fully support the nomination for Werner to be awarded an MSA. His dedication to ANPA's services was a standout. His initiative when he took on the role, has positively contributed to not only the job but to the Association. His passion to support ANPA has also been on view at National shows and his resignation will leave tough shoes to fill.

From Chris Schutz: Werner Zimmer is the type of person that is rare today. More common in years gone by. A volunteer of the highest calibre who delivers 100% each time and every time. A role model for all to see. Every club would want a Werner, who wouldn't want a dedicated, honest, hard-working and meticulous worker. Congratulations Werner. You have well and truly earnt this award and you thoroughly deserve it. A job very well done for ANPA. Thank you very much.

From Jeff Krahenbring: I first met Werner Zimmer at the 2000  ANPA show in Sydney and since then we have forged a lifelong friendship. Over this time it never ceases to amaze me how much work Werner puts into help run a show for example QPFS show in Caboolture, man the merchandise store at the National shows wherever they are held and does it tirelessly with no complaints as he is just a kind hearted gentlemen putting others before his own needs and wants. Werner is always the first person to help out where and if he can whether it be stewarding at a show, judging, setting up and cleaning up, cooking on the BBQ, receiving entries etc. Werner’s position in the ANPA is known as the membership co-ordinator which he has held for numerous years. This man has simplified the whole system to make it easy to maintain and keep up to date and  his efforts go beyond that of a voluntary position. Having known Werner for 25 years I believe he deserves this meritorious award and I know no one would disagree with this. Congratulations Werner my good friend.


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