From David Lewis: As the incoming President of ANPA I am very privileged to take on the role and help navigate ANPA forward in these very challenging times. While a complete update on discussions that occurred at the AGM on a range of topics will be in the next newsletter I thought it is important to advise members and fanciers that The ANPA committee approved a bid from the SAC&P in South Australia to host the National on 19-21 July 2019.
The committee is well aware of the challenges that we still face with Rota and the wait from vaccine but there was a strong feeling amongst members present that one way or another a National needs to be held next year. ANPA will over the coming year take a lead role in working with the SAC&P and fanciers to try and find a way that a National can go ahead in 2019 especially if a vaccine is not available. The committee is keen to get the thoughts of members regarding the National next year and on many other topics and will shortly be surveying all members for your feedback.
I can assure your the committee will keep you informed across all communication channels.