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Speciality Breed Clubs
International Bokhara Trumpeter Club
Australian Pouter and Cropper Club
Parlor Rollers (USA Word record holder)
Indian Fantail Club of America.
Dutch Tumblers (Holland, written in Dutch)
Modena Club of South Australia
All Breeds Clubs
Pigeon Fanciers Society of NSW Inc.
French NPA (reading French would be handy here)
German all breeds site (Written in German)
South Australian Canary and Pigeon Society
National Fancy Pigeon Association of South Africa
Dandenong Fancy Pigeon Society
Genetic Sites
Ron Huntley's Rare Coloured Homers
Personal Web Sites
Feather Art Awards - Jan Lombard https://janlombard1.wixsite.com/featherartawards
Australian Pigeon Company (Dr Colin Walker, order online)
Top Loft Company. (Aust)
Foy's Pigeon Supplies (USA, order online)
Basic Pigeon Care Information (For people new to pigeons)
PetsHQ (general information about products and services)