Found a lost pigeon?
ANPA's Membership Coordinator is:
Werner Zimmer
146 Cascades Lane
Greenlands QLD 4380
Phone: (07) 4683 6292
ANPA membership entitles you to all privileges and protections of ANPA, as well as entry to the ANPA National show if you are not a member of the club hosting the event.
There are now two levels of membership options:
Printed & Posted: membership includes a printed and posted ANPA Newsletter
Electronic: members receive their newsletter by email at a cheaper rate.
If you would like a membership please download and fill out this membership form and post it to Werner at the address above.
There are a number of ways to pay for your membership, including cheque/money order or credit card. Details for these are on the membership form, which is compulsory for all members.
The other alternative for payment is to use the PayPal system below.
Please note that memberships become due annually on March 31 and unfinancial members will not receive copies of the ANPA Newsletter, which is published four times annually.
Regular ANPA Membership
$50 Posted
$30 Emailed

$75 Emailed
$130 Posted